Talking Disability

The latest health and disability news in Australia
Posted 4 months ago by Georgie Waters

Researchers suggest that non-speaking people with ASD have higher literacy levels than previously estimated. Read more

Posted 4 months ago by David McManus

The number of hospital admissions for injuries associated with extreme weather — such as heatwaves, bushfires and... Read more

Posted 4 months ago by David McManus

The NDIS Review revealed that not all participants have access to the supports they need from the NDIS ‘market’.... Read more

Posted 4 months ago by Georgie Waters

Living with invisible disability is now recognised more easily when a person wears a sunflower lanyard. Read more

Posted 4 months ago by Georgie Waters

The SPLASH swimming event took place recently to raise funds for Special Olympics Australia. Read more

Posted 4 months ago by Georgie Waters

Could a simple eye test be used to diagnose children with autism spectrum disorder? Read more

Posted 4 months ago by Georgie Waters

Wrestlers from WWE and Special Olympics athletes joined forces for an inclusive day of sport. Read more

Posted 4 months ago by David McManus

Although diabetes doesn’t qualify a person for NDIS support, other metabolic disorders may. Read more

Posted 4 months ago by David McManus

How far back do records of people with Down syndrome go? How were they treated in past societies? Read more

Posted 4 months ago by Georgie Waters

People with Disability Australia released a response to the final report from the Disability Royal Commission. Read more