Disability carers backed after funding announcement

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong
A disabled child in a wheelchair relaxing outside together with a carer. (Shutterstock)
A disabled child in a wheelchair relaxing outside together with a carer. (Shutterstock)

Disability and aged carers in South Australia (SA) will receive further support following the announcement on October 24 from the state government to extended vital funding until 2020.

Carer Support Network SA (CSNSA) will receive $6.2 million over two years with Community Passenger Network (CPN) backed by a further combined state and Commonwealth funding of $2.9 million annually.

SA Communities and Social Inclusion Minister Zoe Bettison believes it was a timely decision to boost resources in the sector.

“At a time of significant national transition and change through NDIS and Consumer Directed Care, the Commonwealth and state governments are working together to reform the aged care and disability services sectors,” she says.

CSNSA will use funds to  provide respite care, support and advocacy for carers while CPN can use additional resources to run 15 outlets across SA that provide vital transport services for vulnerable people.

There are about 245,000 unpaid carers in SA with almost one-third of carers provide more than 40 hours of care per week

“The South Australian government recognises the valuable work of the carer support services sector and the need for a continued viable sector for this important support to be provided to the carers in our community,” Mrs Bettison adds.

Carers SA Chief Executive Officer David Militz is happy with the recent announcement.

“We are ecstatic that Minister Bettison has recognised the vital role that carers play in the community by continuing funding for the Carer Support Network SA until June 2020,” he says.

Ms Bettison says the state government will continue to assist carers support their loved ones.

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