More employment for people with disabilities the goal

Posted 6 years ago by Andrew Lodiong

Australians living with a disability are more likely to be able to find work as organisations step up their efforts to find suitable employment opportunities.

About 53.4% of people with a disability aged 15-64 years currently participate in the workforce with training and upskilling seen as the way forward in increasing that figure.

Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) chair John Pollaers believes making employers aware of the range of skills and qualifications people with disabilities have is key.

“Although many employers are open to hiring people with disability, the reality is they are often not confident they have the right knowledge, understanding and capability to best support people with disability in their workplace,” he says.

The AISC is an industry/government collaboration focused on simplifying and demystifying the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system, amplifying the voice of industry and building employer’s confidence in VET qualifications.

They have partnered with PwC’s Skills for Australia to begin extensive consultation and research ending 18 April to investigate issues and help drive positive change.

As part of the project, PwC’s Skills for Australia will look to develop core units of competency on disability related issues that can be used across a range of industries.

“This new project aims to help people with disability get the training outcomes they need to transition to employment and will complement existing employment and inclusion programs,” Mr Pollaers says.

PcW’s Skills for Australia CEO Sara Caplan says the project was the first time government and industry had come together to explore how development of training packages could increase the participation of people with disability in VET and the workplace.

“It’s a great step forward for people with disability who want to get into the workforce and I congratulate the AISC for leading the way in this important area,” she says.

“We are thrilled to be involved in this initiative that will have such far-reaching benefits for the Australian workforce.”

Established by the Commonwealth Government, PcW support Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) in their work to develop modern and relevant training packages.

Mr Pollaers says continuing to build skills and knowledge among practitioners and employers as well as adding relevant units across training packages will help break down barriers to improve social and economic participation.

“The key to Australia’s future competitiveness is to ensure we are creating an inclusive, flexible and capable workforce.”

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