NDIS in the ACT under inquiry

Written submissions are being welcomed by the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Legislative Assembly as they begin to work through their inquiry into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance scheme (NDIS) throughout the Territory.
The Inquiry, headed by Chair of the Committee Chris Steel, aims to hear from those consumers with experience in transitioning to the NDIS, as well as provider experience.
Mr Steel says the Committee agreed to inquire into the implementation of the scheme now that the NDIS is “fully operational in the ACT”.
“The Committee is aware that there have been a range of experiences for people transitioning to the NDIS in the ACT, and we would like to hear from people who have accessed the NDIS for themselves, or as an advocate, and to understand their current experiences,” he says.
“[We also want] to hear about the practical outcomes that have come from the NDIS implementation and particularly whether there are unique ACT issues relating to the provision of NDIS services.”
Mr Steel says the Committee will also consider issues around the disability workforce development, the availability of services for eligible NDIS participants, including early childhood intervention services, access to local area coordination, and support for people with psychosocial disabilities.
The terms of reference for the inquiry are available online (link) with written submissions due for lodging with the Committee by Friday 23 February 2018, with a public hearing to be scheduled after the cut off date.
Submissions must include full name, postal address and telephone number.
For further information or to lodge a submission email [email protected]