Online resource launched to help Queenslanders understand their rights
![My Rights QLD is accessible from a phone, tablet or computer. [Source: Shutterstock,]](
A new online resource presented in partnership with Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia (ADA) and Legal Aid Queensland will support people living with disability in Queensland to better understand and exercise their rights.
My Rights QLD covers a wide range of topics including substitute decision-making, health, mental health, housing, discrimination and the NDIS, to help users develop a broad understanding and resolve complaints or issues.
The project, lead by ADA took 18 months to create and was funded by Legal Aid Queensland Collaboration Fund.
It was also supported by university students studying in the fields of IT and legal studies.
Geoff Rowe, Chief Executive Officer of ADA says the issues faced by people with disability are complex and ever-changing in an industry undergoing major reform.
“Many people with disability don’t have an understanding of their rights and how these rights relate to their daily interactions with the world.”
ADA has a wealth of knowledge about the industry and will play an important role in empowering independence of people with disability.
“Through our work we identified people with disability are sometimes at the mercy of organisations and providers to supply that information on what their rights are and how to complain if they are not happy, which is often a barrier to the independent resolution of issues,” Mr Rowe says.
Already, the ADA has received positive feedback from the government and non-government sector, people with disability and their families and carers. In particular, people with vision impairments have commended the accessibility features of the resource, using screen reader and narration.
Disability advocate and Australian paralympian, Geoff Trappett says My Rights QLD is a fantastic initiative for people with disability.
“My Rights QLD has the broadest range of information on rights I have ever seen as someone with a disability,” he says.
Mr Trappett says without comprehensive information on rights, there is a lack of understanding which makes it hard to create change for people with disability.
He also commended My Rights QLD, in allowing people to search information in one spot and find what they are looking for, without having to contact already over-taxed help and resolution centres.
“It is hoped that this guide will grow into the future and be used as a valuable resource as people start to give us further ideas on other information that could be added to benefit many,” Mr Rowe says.
My Rights QLD is now available online for free and is accessible from a phone, tablet or computer.