Autism resources
Last updated

Whether you are a person living with autism, a carer, a family member or a friend, there are some great resources and support groups available to help you with practical and emotional support.
Key points
- Making sure you, as either a person with autism or as a loved one or carer, are supported is important
- You are never alone – you can find resources and support online or in person
- Being involved in a support group can help you discover new information from people who also have lived experiences with autism
Autism associations
Autism associations across Australia provide information and offer access to workshops and support groups for people diagnosed with autism, parents, carers and siblings.
Find the autism association in your State or Territory below and contact them to find out what groups they run.
Australian Capital Territory
Marymead Autism Centre
255 Goyder Street, Narrabundah ACT 2604
P: 1800 427 920 or 02 6162 5800
E: [email protected] or [email protected]
Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia)
41 Templeton St, Cook ACT 2614
P: 1800 277 328 or 02 6251 4550
E: [email protected]
AEIOU Foundation
2 Rusden St, Garran ACT 2605
P: 02 6189 5678 or 0431 762 758
E: [email protected]
New South Wales
Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect)
Level 5, Tower B – The Zenith
821 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067
P: 1800 277 328
Note: Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) also operates in Victoria and South Australia
Northern Territory
Autism NT
10D/25 Goyder Centre, Palmerston Circuit, Palmerston NT 0830
P: 08 8948 4424
E: [email protected]
Autism Queensland (head office)
437 Hellawell Road, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109
P: 07 3273 0000
AEIOU Foundation
3 Balaclava St, Woolloongabba QLD 4102
P: 1300 273 435 or 07 3320 7500
E: [email protected]
W: or you can find your local centre here
South Australia
Autism SA
Southern Hub: 6-8 MAB Cct, Tonsley SA, 5042
Northern Hub: 1/57 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth SA 5112
P: 1300 288 476 or 08 8379 6976
E: [email protected]
AEIOU Foundation
12-16 King George Ave, North Brighton SA 5048
P: 08 8306 4900 or 0432 860 871
E: [email protected]
Autism Tasmania
21 Goulburn Street, Hobart TAS, 7000
P: 03 6722 5000
Amaze (previously Autism Victoria)
678 Victoria Street, Richmond VIC, 3121
P: 1300 308 699
Western Australia
Autism Association of Western Australia
215 Stubbs Terrace, Shenton Park WA 6008
P: 08 9489 8900
You can find a wide range of information on Autism on the internet, including websites offering support and information.
Australia wide
ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network)
Not for profit autism advocacy organisation run by and for Autistic people.
Autism Awareness Australia
Providing targeted educational programs to families, professionals and the broader community.
P: 1300 900 681
Carers Gateway
National online and phone service that provides practical information and resources to support carers.
P: 1800 422 737
I Can Network
Empowering young people on the Autism Spectrum with an ‘I CAN’ attitude.
Free support groups for parents and carers of children with disabilities. Groups are not diagnosis specific.
Yellow Ladybugs
A volunteer community group dedicated to improving the lives of Autistic girls and women through raising awareness and social activities.
Autism Community Network (ACN) – supporting individuals and families in New South Wales 273 Fowler Road Illawong NSW 2234
P: 02 9543 9036
Autism Advisory and Support Service
Empowering children and adults with Autism and their families through knowledge and support, AAAS provides support groups, advocacy and information.
88 Memorial Avenue, Liverpool NSW 2170
P: 02 9601 2844
Online forums
Online forums are a great way to engage with parents, carers, family, friends and people with Autism for support and advice. Start the conversation today by exploring these Facebook forums.
ASD/AUTISM – Support Group for Aussie Mums
Girls on the spectrum (Australia)
The Autism Employment Conversation
Thinking Persons Guide to Autism
TARA (The Autistic Realm Australia)
Support Group for parents with kids with ADHD, ADD, Autism and other issues
What resources do you use to get support? Tell us in the comment section below.
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