Managing your NDIS funds: Agency managed
Last updated

If you choose to have your plan agency managed, this means that the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) handles all payments and administration for you. Agency managed is sometimes referred to as NDIA managed.
Key points
Agency managed means that the NDIA will handle payments and administration
You will not be able to use your funding with unregistered providers
This option is often used by those who do not have the time or resources to manage their plan
What does NDIS agency managed mean?
Choosing this option means the NDIA manages the funds in your NDIS plan. The NDIA will:
pay your invoices
claim reimbursements
report against your plan
resolve any billing issues
keep appropriate records and receipts for supports provided
If you choose to be agency managed, you can only use providers that are registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to deliver your supports. Pricing for services by a registered provider is capped by the NDIS price guide which means they can only charge a certain amount for their services.
If you would like your NDIS plan managed by the NDIA, you can request this at your NDIS planning meeting.
Is it for me?
This option suits those who don’t have the time or ability to deal with financial or administrative tasks and are happy to use NDIS-registered providers.
The registered provider you choose claims the funds for their services directly through the NDIS portal by electronically billing the NDIS for the services delivered.
You can check your participant portal to see when the funds have been paid and to keep track of the funding you have left.
The benefits of being agency managed:
Quick and easy
No financial accountability
Gives you a chance to get used to the NDIS system
No cost to you
No need to keep track of paperwork or open a special bank account
Using providers that are registered with the NDIS means they cannot charge above NDIS price guideline
Cons of being agency managed:
You can’t buy services from unregistered providers, and the local service providers who would give you the best service may not be registered
If you live in a regional or remote area there may not be local services which are registered for you to be able to use them
Limited flexibility
Remember, you are free to change your plan management type at your plan review meeting or in between meetings by requesting a plan review.
Are you agency managed? Share your experiences in the comments below.
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